So I read a thread on the minstrel forums ( and it got me thinking that it might be nice to show some snaps of warden animations and what our skill icons look like.  So hopefully this will work 🙂  I wish I could figure out what the icon section looks the way it does, I’ve tried a few times to clean it up but for some reason the editor wants to scrunch everything together – but I think you get the idea.

The first section here is a series of snap-shots showing the animations of our more important gambits:

If you look you’ll notice that War-cry, conviction, and our leaches all look similar but our main-hand weapon will have a different glow.  War-cry just shows us shouting, a morale leach will have a green glow to it, and the threat leaches have a bluish glow.

And below I’ve included the icons which will appear either on the warden – I will try to get some better icons, but these were readily available.  The first 4 are our Heal over time (HoT) buffs, by default they are 4 ticks spaced 4 seconds apart but can be traited to last for up to 8 pulses.  The tier 2 is ~56 per pulse, Tier 3 is ~86, tier 4 is 99, tier 5 is 111.  These can also be modified by legacies to be higher but those are the rough values.

Tier 2 HoT

Tier 2 HoT

Tier 3 HoT

Tier 3 HoT

Tier 4 HoT

Tier 4 HoT

Tier 5 HOT

Tier 5 HOT

These next two are our main defensive buffs:

Small Block buff

Small Block buff

Block and Evade Buff

Block and Evade Buff

And our threat transfer skills – dance of war steals threat from the group and applies an evade buff on the warden and conviction steals threat plus applies a group wide HoT (~100 per tick, same number of ticks as self HoT).

Threat Leach and Evade Buff

Threat Leach and Evade Buff

Threat Leach and Group HoT

Threat Leach and Group HoT

These next 2 are the icons you’ll see on mobs showing the morale leaches – first leaches ~35 morale per mob and the second 70 morale.  These will last for 16 seconds with a leach tick every 4 seconds.

ToT and AoE Morale Leach

ToT and AoE Morale Leach

ToT and AoE Morale Leach

ToT and AoE Morale Leach