I already had a bunch of this, and since I just did the Warden set – figured I’d post the Captain sets too.  I may or may not get a chance to get out the Minstrel sets today but that’s probably the last comparison I will do as those are my 3 mains.

As with the warden set, the Other Buffs section is cut off – I can send the original spreadsheet if you want or you can look below for the details.

Screenshots are also included at the bottom.

Hall General AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 570 10 42 42 21 21 21
Boots 442 10 20 24 20 20 40 63
Legs 950 10 21 25 21 42 21 68
Chest 1123 10 41 20 41 41
Shoulders 342 20 42 21 21 21
Helm 342 20 21 21 21 42 42
Set 19 19 73 +720 Acid, +20% Heal Valiant St.
Total 3769 80 206 172 83 187 186 0 204 0 0
Mirkwood/BG AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 630 30 45 45 211
Boots 504 30 22 45 22 45
Legs 1050 30 22 45 22 90.6
Chest 1260 30 45 22 45 94
Shoulders 378 30 45 22 22 188
Helm 378 30 22 22 22 45 105
Set 40 91 +378 Melee, +1512 Frost/Shadow
Total 4200 180 179 201 66 22 197 407 282 0 90.6
Haleness AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 579 43 21 21 87
Boots 463 21 43 43 88
Legs 965 21 43 21 88 43.5
Chest 1158 43 21 21 21 88
Shoulders 347 43 21 88 +780 Wound Resist
Helm 347 21 21 21 98 520
Total 3859 0 171 170 63 0 106 98 352 520 130.5
Gloaming AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 579 43 197 15% +74.5 Morale
Boots 463 21 43 88 +780 Disease Resist
Legs 965 21 21 176 15% -50% Dev Mag
Chest 1158 34 43 75% -23 dam
Shoulders 347 43 43 176
Helm 347 21 43 98 15% +25% Dev Mag
Total 3859 0 162 43 64 0 107 295 440 0 0
Galadhrim AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 552 40 20 20 176 40.8
Boots 442 20 40 20 40 79
Legs 921 20 40 20 20 81.6
Chest 1105 40 20 20 40 79
Shoulders 331 40 20 40 20 79
Helm 331 20 20 40 176 248
Total 3682 0 180 160 100 0 180 352 237 248 122.4
3 Piece Sets AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 561 15 41 20 20 20 20
Boots 478 25 22 27 22 9 36 75
Legs 936 15 20 24 8 32 20 65
Chest 1105 15 40 8 40 32
Shoulders 358 25 36 9 22 22
Helm 358 25 22 22 22 22 45
Set 20 19 82 1512 Fire, 1440 Shadow
Total 3796 120 201 129 72 145 175 0 222 0 0
DN Set Ar Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Gloves 602 20 42 42 21 85.2
Boots 482 20 21 42 42 170
Legs 1003 20 21 42 21 85 85.2
Chest 1204 20 42 21 42 170
Shoulders 361 20 42 21 42 21 85
Helm 361 20 21 21 21 42 190
Set 19 73 1440 Fire/Lightning, -15% CD Defeat
Total 4013 120 189 189 84 0 187 190 583 0 170.4
Whole Sets AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 3769 80 206 172 83 187 186 0 204 0 0 +720 Acid, +20% Heal Valiant St.
Haleness 3859 0 171 170 63 0 106 98 352 520 130.5
Gloaming 3859 0 162 43 64 0 107 295 440 0 0
Galadhrim 3682 0 180 160 100 0 180 352 237 248 122.4
3 Pieces 3796 120 201 129 72 145 175 0 222 0 0 1512 Fire, 1440 Shadow
DN 4013 120 189 189 84 0 187 190 583 0 170.4 1440 Fire/Lightning, -15% CD Defeat
BG 4200 180 179 201 66 22 197 407 282 0 90.6 +378 Melee, +1512 Frost/Shadow
Boots AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 442 10 20 24 20 20 40 63
Haleness 463 21 43 43 88
Gloaming 463 21 43 88 +780 Disease Resist
Galadhrim 442 20 40 20 40 79
3 Pieces 478 25 22 27 22 9 36 75
DN 482 20 21 42 42 170
BG 504 30 22 45 22 45
Legs AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 950 10 21 25 21 42 21 68
Haleness 965 21 43 21 88 43.5
Gloaming 965 21 21 176 15% -50% Dev Mag
Galadhrim 1105 40 20 20 40 79
3 Pieces 936 15 20 24 8 32 20 65
DN 1003 20 21 42 21 85 85.2
BG 1050 30 22 45 22 90.6
Gloves AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 570 10 42 42 21 21 21
Haleness 579 43 21 21 87
Gloaming 579 43 197 15% +74.5 Morale
Galadhrim 552 40 20 20 176 40.8
3 Pieces 561 15 41 20 20 20 20
DN 602 20 42 42 21 85.2
BG 630 30 45 45 211
Chest AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 1123 10 41 20 41 41
Haleness 1158 43 21 21 21 88
Gloaming 1158 34 43 75% -23 dam
Galadhrim 1105 40 20 20 40 79
3 Pieces 1105 15 40 8 40 32
DN 1204 20 42 21 42 170
BG 1260 30 45 22 45 94
Shoulders AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 342 20 42 21 21 21
Haleness 347 43 21 88 +780 Wound Resist
Gloaming 347 43 43 176
Galadhrim 331 40 20 40 20 79
3 Pieces 358 25 36 9 22 22
DN 361 20 42 21 42 21 85
BG 378 30 45 22 22 188
Helm AR Rad. Might Agi Fate Will Vit Morale Power Inc. ICMR Other Buffs
Hall General 342 20 21 21 21 42 42
Haleness 347 21 21 21 98 520
Gloaming 347 21 43 98 15% +25% Dev Mag
Galadhrim 331 20 20 40 176 248
3 Pieces 358 25 22 22 22 22 45
DN 361 20 21 21 21 42 190
BG 378 30 22 22 22 45 105

Other Bonuses

Hall General set has +720 acid defense and +20% healing output on valiant strike in addition to the stat bonuses listed.

The BG set has +378 melee offense and +1512 frost/shadow resists in addition to the stat bonuses listed

The Halenes shoulders have +780 wound resist on them

The gloaming gloves had a 15% chance to heal for 74.5 morale, the boots have +780 disease resist, the legs a 15% chance to reduce incoming devastates by 50%, the chest a 75% chance to reduce incoming common damage by 23, and the helm has a 15% chance to buff devastates done by 25%.

The 3 piece sets have a +1512 fire resist and +1440 shadow resist on them in addition to the stat bonuses listed.

Finally the DN set has +1440 fire and lightning resists and a -15% cooldown reduction on our defeat reaction skills in addition to the stat bonuses listed.

DN Set


Moria Set (Hall General)


Galadhrim Set (Lorien Crafted)


BG Set


2 3 Piece Sets


Mirkwood Crafted Sets (Just different colors)
