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LOTRO Intro…

Just a few thoughts as I introduce myself, I play on the Silverlode server with 3 primary toons – Warden, Captain, and Minstral.  I’ve been playing since Closed Beta and was involved in the MoM beta as well.  I’d probably put myself somewhere in the hardcore category as all 3 of these are 60 with at least 5 of their radiance set pieces.  However due to my challenging schedule it is hard to get into raids sometimes as they usually prefer to run with a somewhat static group.  I have been lucky to find some good friends and good kins to run with such that I can raid (I do enjoy it) when I’m around.

Here’s a link to my MyLotro page if you’re curious about any of my toons and/or their setups –

I’m not sure I’m as excited for Mirkwood as I was for Moria but I’m still pretty excited about it.  I’ll probably go into more detail as things come out but it looks intriguing for sure.