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Gambits (Part 2) Solo

I was out in Forochel today grinding out Worms for Zeal today and thought that a nice break would be to come back here and post some thoughts on gambits to use while soloing.

From my standpoint, usually when I’m out soloing I’m not really trying to get the optimal DPS rotation – so you won’t find that here 🙂  There are a few posts on the LOTRO waden boards one ways to maximize waden DPS.

What I usually try to do is get through content quickly and safely and still maintain a challenge.  I will admit, I do at times “afk-fight” but for the most part I prefer to go in spurts.  So usually I’ll do a bunch, get to a safe point, and then break for a bit.

To make the description of gambits easier (and to help with names) I’ll use the following nomenclature – spear = 1, fist = 2, shield = 3.  This is how my keyboard’s mapped out, so just how I think 🙂

So with that in mind, here’s usually what I end up doing.

Now this does change a bit on fights with single mobs (elites/EM’s – the troll Dhit for example):

Now one key thing for long fights is the concept of “Morale surfing” which refers to the concept of hovering around 50% morale such that you can rebuild your power pool using Darkness before Dawn (DbD).  If at any point I get low on power, I’d ease up on the HoTs and drop to a bit above 50% such that a hit or 2 as I build DbD I’ll drop below 50% and can use it.  I try to get at least 2 DbD’s up before re-applying all my HoTs back up and running.  Also, depending on my surroundings, I don’t mind surfing for the rest of the fight – but if I’m worried about roamers I’ll bump back up.

Couple other skills I forgot initially:

One final thing, I realize this is all with level 60 gambits – however I’ve pretty much used this same methodology (except for morale surfing) all along.  The only difference is what length gambits you have available.

More later!