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My first encounter with the Lieutenant

So I ended up getting a rare Sunday evening play time and was able to fill in for my kinship’s BG raid.  Now this was the second day, so they had already cleared out Durchest and the Twins, so sadly I still have yet to successfully defeat those two encounters.  However, the LT was an interesting and very fun battle.  I probably ended up making a few mistakes, but I will admit there’s just so much stuff going on in that fight.  I’ve read up on the fight, but there’s only so much that will help until you actually get a chance to see the fight live.

Leading up to the top of the tower there is quite a bit of trash, most of it is similar to previous encounters with the Mace and Axe guys.  The only real tricky part there is not getting stunned around the same time as the Fire Axe does his death explosion as that’s just rather nasty.  However, that hopefully only takes out one or two people and the others should be able to take out the Mace relatively easily.

The other nasty mob are the lights, which aren’t too bad, they’re just annoying.  They bring extra dread as well as periodic AoEs that are preceded by big stuns.  They also have AoE fears which cause you to run off in random directions, and I’ll admit this is quite strange the first time it happens to you 🙂

So it does take quite a while to get up to the top, but once you do it actually is a breath-taking view.  Unfortunately the forest and such below doesn’t have quite the high-quality texture that the rest of the game does but I still thought it was a pretty nifty view.   We did also get a chance for a group pose while we waited for the GM 🙂

Now technically we didn’t get him down as we had a few fill-ins (including myself) but did end up killing the fell-beast as for some reason the Lt. never dismounted like he is supposed to.  That’s how I was able to get the snaps, as we sorta broke the instance and had time before a GM could reset things for us.  I must say, it really didn’t take all that long for them to respond which was pretty nice.

As for the fight itself, it is pretty chaotic to say the least.  The main things to worry about are the dreaded eye-balls on top of your head.  There’s a purple one that is a nasty DoT that can also spread so you need to get away from the group.  There’s also a yellow one which is the fell-beast hits you while that mark is on you it will heal for 10-20K morale for each hit.  So, if you get the purple mark you just run away to the edge of healing radius but you shouldn’t have to worry too much.  But, for the yellow you’ll need to kite around such that the fell-beast doesn’t get near you.  There are also a few slows that can be annoying as well as areas of purple poo that are additional DoTs and just general not fun areas to be around.  Now the real fun is when you get both eyes, but luckily that doesn’t happen all that much.  There’s there’s also the frontal AoE “roar” the fell-beast does that’s pretty nasty as well so you really need to pay attention to where you’re standing and what’s going on.  The other mechanic is there’s a huge ICPR reduction from the Lt, but hitting the fell-beast does also return some power so there’s the potential to maintain a healthy power pool

Another important thing is right by where we posed as a group there’s actually a hidden “wall” that blocks you from hugging the wall to run around, and it is mirrored on the other side of the door too.  We’re thinking this is due to the chests, but just be aware that if you’re kiting around the wall you’ll need to move a bit towards the center to avoid that blockage.

I did end up parsing this fight, but it is a bit hard to get through as each time he flies up (about every 30-50K of morale) is split out as a separate encounter.  So for the times I was chilling in melee range I was up between 150 and 200 DPS, but that drops off dramatically to around 80 or so when I’m just using ranged attacks.

I’m really looking forward to running this some more, and I’d love to get in there with a bit more radiance (I just have 120) as that makes a big difference.  I also hope to get my minstrel and Captain geared up but that’s another post 🙂