During the downtime there was a Dev Chat hosted by WarCry with the full transcript posted a couple of places but I read it over at Mordor of Bust.  Certainly some good Q&A but a couple things leaped off the page for me:

  • With regard to the Isengard Expansion (Kate Paiz):
    • isengard is tentatively slated for next year, and we’ll be approaching the zone in the timeline in which saruman has already denuded the area, and has created his orc factory.  players will likely have access to some of the underground areas, but obviously with saruman in the big tower, access to the upper regions is likely to be challenging 🙂
  • With regard to Radiance (Jalessa)
    • We took Radiance outside, tied it up to some railroad tracks, and…well…I think you saw the end of this in Red Dead Redemption. Look for this in the future – we will be removing Radiance from LOTRO.

I really like the timing with Isengard, I was afraid we were going to get there when everything had died down 🙁  And of course, I’m VERY intrigued with where they’re going to take gear towards and how they’re going to move past Radiance.

Take a look for yourself, I’m sure we’ll all pull bits and pieces from various different items.