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Quick update post

I realize I’ve been a bit quiet of late so I thought I’d toss out a quite update for ya’ll since Turbine usually has impeccable timing with their releases for when I’m slammed IRL 🙂  But I should be back to a little more frequent posting here in another week or so.

However, I have done a few things in-game that I’m pretty happy about.

I was able to clear out quite a bit of bag and vault space which made was a huge relief as pretty much all my space was full up and I was actually using inventory for storage, which just isn’t practical.  I had a TON of cosmetic stuff and a number of duplicates across all my toons.  So I was able to dump all that into my Wardrobe with only having to purchase an extra 10 slots, so that wasn’t so bad.  I have checked on my items and they’re still there but I would advise you to check out this link as apparently some have not been so lucky.  I then purchased an extra 10 slots for shared storage such that I could use it for a crafting depot for all my characters.  I’m really looking forward to actually being able to exchange things in this manner, so this was quite exciting for me.

Outside of that, I did max out Zeal on my Warden and have her pretty much done with regards to traits I care about.  If I were a completionist, I would still have lots to do for sure 🙂

And finally, I did create a free account primarily to check it out but also such that I could get another account into my mule kinship to make managing that easier.

Not much else going on here, but that will change soon I’m sure as I have yet to step into Enedwaith, work on the Epic line, or any of the new instances.  I will also need to grab all the latest versions of my favorite Lua scripts!