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Armor Set Comparison

I decided to put this as its own page such that I could just update one place as opposed to all over my blog.

So far, I have Wardens, Captains, Champions, and Minstrels.

The sets included are:

For all these sets, I have comparisons of the entire sets (including set bonuses) and individual piece comparisons.  I also have a “Item Rater” sheet that allows you to plug in your own values for the stats and see which pieces are the best for you.  The excel one is color coded, while sadly the Google one just has the equations.

Google Docs Version

Excel Version

For images, I have them currently in a few difference posts:

Heavy Annuminas Set (with Helm)

Champion Pictures

Minstrel Pictures and the new Minstrel F2P Sets

Captain Sets

Warden Sets

Helegrod and Annuminas Captain and Warden Sets