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Tell the Community Team – Best Places in Game

Another Tell the Community Team is up, this one focusing on zone design and web or out of game interactions.  In addition to that, they’re having a drawing for 250 Turbine Points for those who respond which is a nice little added bonus.

Question 1
Thinking just about the ‘look and feel’ of the zone (meaning without considering the content or ‘things to do’)

1.    What is your favorite zone? Moria, first place that I just wandered around and was totally awestruck.  It was so close to what I had envisioned while reading the books.
2.    What is your least favorite zone? Eregion as it just didn’t stand out versus anything else in game.  Too close to North Downs for me.

Question 2
Thinking only about the content of the zone (meaning not the art, design, etc)

1.    What is your favorite zone? Enedwaith as there’s just so much great story and involvement in what’s going on.
2.    What is your least favorite zone? Evendim as there are entire areas that are just painful to go to and deal with.  I’m talking about the far side of Everswim.

Question 3
Would you like to see certain elements of the game available via the web or mobile devices? For example, auction house, crafting, chat, etc. List two examples of what you think should be considered.

1. I would love to have a chat option, or at least the ability to see your friends list and their online/offline status.
2. Auction house would be nice through the web ideally with the ability to not only big on items but place things on the AH as well, so you’d need some level of inventory management.

This is a very encouraging post as it shows they’re really trying to understand what players like and don’t like about landmasses as well as the future direction of the game.  Hopefully they’re not waiting to build the new zones based on this, but this should help shape those zones.  For the most part, I think the zones have been getting better with each release with the exception of Everswim 🙂

The question on out of game stuff I’m very curious about as I think this is a way to allow folks to continue their interaction with the game even when they can’t be logged on.  There are tons of times I would use this just to keep in touch with people.  Sure you would lose some of the immersion, but you could really stay more connected with the game.  And when you consider all the various ways we have to communicate now, I think this is a logical next step.