There’s way too much to even try to put the on one post – so here’s the link to the full set of patch notes.
Major topics include:
- 1.1 Radiance Removal
- 1.2 Four New Instances and a 12 Player Raid
- 1.3 Monsterplay (PVMP) Changes
- 1.4 Class Updates
- 1.5 Character Panel and Cosmetic System enhancements
- 1.6 Crafting Vocation Tutorials
- 1.7 Legendary Item Update
- 1.8 Volume III: Book 3, Echoes of the Dead
- 1.9 Volume II Epic Story Revamp
- 1.10 Moria Battle Instances Converted to Skirmishes
- 1.11 Evendim Revamp
- 1.12 It’s the Little Things that Count
I’ve also put a PDF version of them up as well.