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Warhammer Online Patch 1.4.5: Forts and Relics

Hello Community,

It is good to be back after a long vacation and we here at WAR Stratics are starting things off this year moving to a new method of information delivery that we find funny and a bit informative.

Now Let us talk about Patch 1.4.5 and the return of Forts and Relics.  Patch 1.4.5 is currently on the PTS for public consumption and test dates have been released for all those wishing to show up and lay the Hammer of Sigmar upon their enemies.  If the Hammer of Sigmar is not your thing, you can always go the path of the Kind Hug of a Witch Elf.  Either way you can find the Mass Test date and times here.

Forts were once dubbed as the “Pain in the Campaign” by Jeff Hickman and BioWare Mythic stated that one of two options would be done with them.  Work to make them better, or remove them completely.  They were subsequently removed with talk of them returning to game in another form.  We have finally crested the hill to see them return to the game we love so much.  No longer tied to the campaign, they now stand as a bastion of defense for the Relics that were discovered as a result from the Skaven incursion.

These Relics are powerful items and coveted by both sides of the war, due to the fact that controlling both within a  single location can grant some nice benefits.    Controlling all 6 grants even more benefit than just holding 2 for your side.  For full details, you can head over to Warhammer Online to get all the details.

With that I will leave you with WAR Stratics Podcast Ep 1 for your viewing pleasure.


As always

