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Run LOTRO Stratics!

LOTRO Stratics is searching for a new captain to take the helm.  Triberius and his team have created a firm foundation of static content, but he is ready to pass the mantel to a new Managing Editor (ME).

The role of the ME is not for the faint at heart, as it requires considerable time, ingenuity, and hard work. While we support MEs on a daily basis, they are ultimately responsible for the development of both their portal (content) and forums (community). This includes finding and hiring volunteer staff members. Fortunately, the advantages are also numerous: free hosting and support, an existing user base, and the opportunity to garner acclaim within a given title. MEs are also eligible to receive 33% of any revenue generated by their portal, but this revenue will be predictably low until the portal/community are built up.

Be mindful that Stratics is a 15-year-old network who formally partners with game developers and publishers, including EA/BioWare staff. Accordingly, we expect the highest degree of professionalism from our senior staff, which includes Managing Editors. ME applicants must be 18 years or older to apply. If interested, contact me directly: