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Resistance Rangers Salute Toons Sweetly

The Resistance Rangers thank all you brave Toons for battling back those Glad Hander and Legal Eagle invasions – with sweet jellybeans in your victory parties!

Resistance Rangers know it took a lot of ‘beans to buy enough gags to knock out those Cogs, so they’re ready to fill your banks back up this weekend!


Rangers RUPERTRAVENRHETT and RANDOLPH thank Toons with jellybeans 
 Saturday and Sunday, July 20 – 21 at these times, both days:

11am – 12pm   and   4pm – 5pm  (Toontown Time)


Keep a lookout for those Resistance Rangers in Playgrounds and Toon Parties in Districts that start with the goofy letter “G”:

  Giggly Bay
  Giggly Grove Gigglyham  
  Giggly Hills Goofy Valley  
  Giggly Point Goofyport  


And the Toon Resistance let slip that the Resistance Rangers may have one more little surprise left this month – stay Tooned…