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Silly Summer Codes Reminder

You would be silly not to redeem these special summer codes for two Toontastic treats!

“What codes?” you say? In case you were trapped in a Sellbot HQ all summer, here are two Toontastic codes courtesy of the Toon Council and Resistance Rangers:

SWEET  – Redeem to max your bean bank with 12,000 jellybeans!

SUNBURST  – Redeem for an all-new sunny summer shirt!

If you haven’t already enjoyed these codes, then just go to your Shticker Book, and click the light switch button.
Enter the code on the Enter A Code page – wait a few minutes – and your Toontastic reward delivers right to the mailbox at your Toon Estate.

Some important reminders on the SWEET code:
You may redeem this sweetly silly code once for every Toon on your account!

If you already have beans in your bank, the code still fills your bank to max capacity!


DO NOT delete the jellybean gift out of your mailbox! You will not be able to get it back. So when you redeem the code, either take your jellybeans or leave them in your mailbox.

ALL Toons are able to enjoy these silly summer gifts!