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Introducing Stratics’ Gaming History Month

It takes an endless amount of history

to make even a little tradition.

~Henry James


Sixteen years ago, a bunch of people got together to create a website dedicated to their favorite game. Since that time, more games have become part of that website allowing passionate communities to spring up like weeds around them. What is that trend setting site that’s been around for so long and is dedicated to serving communities and games alike? Well, you’re looking at it! And boy have we changed over the years! Just look at how our site design has changed, and you’ll see how we’ve matured and grown. Now, with a new focus, we are once again about to change – and with that comes a change in our history.

Various ways our signature “cog” has been branded through the years. From 2000 to present.

Here at Stratics lovingly work to establish the history that has made us a tradition among gamers. We’ve decided to start a new tradition of our very own; one that honors our roots as well as the many people and games we write about. That tradition is Gaming History Month! Every October, we will focus on the history of our site, the games we cater to, and the people who help to make those games worth talking about (programmers, producers and players alike). This all leads up to our anniversary, which is also in October (isn’t that a coincidence). Since there is so much that we do here at Stratics, its really hard to keep it all in just a single day!

Our theme for this first Gaming History Month is, “Old is New … Again!” We will be pointing out the many things about your favorite games that keep you all coming back, time and time again. What exactly keeps you paying for those subscriptions? With the new Free-To-Play model, how will that change your gaming habits? Just what ARE gaming habits? What helps to make a game succeed, or fail for that matter? How has technology changed the games we play? Can the successes be repeated? Should they be repeated?

Our list of questions goes on for a while, so why bore you with them? Instead, we will answer these and all sorts of questions this month, culminating with our 16th Anniversary Celebration on October 20th. Check back as we release little tidbits about our planned festivities – and thank you all for helping us come thus far. We are definitely looking forward to making more history, and traditions, for everyone!