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State of UO: Ultima Online Devs Hangout with Stratics!

The Ultima Online development team is scheduled to appear in a live Google hangout with Stratics staff members on Thursday to discuss the “State of UO.” This will be the team’s first public address since operation of the title was transferred to Broadsword Online Games last month. During the live interview, the team will respond to questions from UO players, which are being collected ahead of time in a Stratics Forum thread. Viewers may tune into the event via Google+, YouTube, or Twitch. No account is needed to watch the event, but viewers who wish to comment during the event must log into Google+, YouTube, or Twitch, respectively.

State of UO Details

Date: Thursday, 3 April 2014
Time: 6:00 PM EST
Google+: Watch live on Google+
YouTube: Watch live on YouTube
Twitch: Watch live on Twitch

Giveaway: Undertaker’s Staff!

Follow @UOStratics on Twitter for a chance to win an Undertaker’s Staff. The cutoff time to enter the giveaway will be Friday, April 4th, by 11:59 PM EST. The winner will be chosen at random.

Disclaimer: Requires active UO subscription.