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Xpecial to be benched for TSM

Today it was announced on Xpecial’s livestream that he would no longer be on the main team as a Support and will remain for the time being on the bench for TSM, we are unsure if it is a permanent change or not. He mentions that the decision wasn’t made by him or the team but more on the management side (Regi). This news comes as a big shock to not only TSM fans but anyone who follows the competitive scene of League of Legends as Xpecial is considered to be one of the top supports in NA so for him to be benched has caused a stir in the community.

Update 1: Reginald just announced on his Facebook that it was due to attitude issues and after hearing feedback from the TSM members he decided to make the call to bench Xpecial.

Xpecial states he wasn’t benched for performance which only leaves a few other options and without an actual announcement from TSM on the bench, or a reason for why he has been benched in the first place, it leaves the community to speculate on why he was and who will be the replacement. The current verdict is that he has had poor attitude which has become a big enough issue for him to be benched, this could be a temporary thing to allow him to get things back on track and for the team to experiment with how things go with a new support.

It also seems the announcement shouldn’t have been made yet and Xspecial apologised via his Twitter explaining that he was just frustrated and to wait for an official announcement before commenting on the matter further. Although with TSM Scrims beginning tomorrow and Xpecial not being included in them it seems the change will be at least short term. No info has been given on who would replace Xpecial in the Support role for TSM so once again it has been left to the community to speculate, the current speculation is that Gleebglarbu (Cloud 9 Tempest’s Support) will be the replacement due to WildTurtle (TSM’s ADC) and Gleebglarbu doing a lot of recent duo queuing and getting strong results (Currently 7 wins – 0 loses). His current team C9T losing to LMQ in the Challenger playoffs means he would have the opportunity to play for TSM which is why the community has been pushed towards believing he will be the new TSM Support.

No matter what happens we will be sad to see him leave even if temporary and wish the best for Xpecial whether he sticks on to TSM as a sub, returns to the main roster or leaves to join another team.