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Match History Beta

Today we’re  looking at the all new match history beta that launched about 1 month ago.

I’ll start by showing you the first image you’ll see when you log on to your match history. (You can click on the pictures to make them big)


All right here is the first image you’ll be greeted by as you log on to the match history beta, it doesn’t look out of the ordinary in fact it’s pretty much the same as the match history in the league of legends client. The real magic starts when you use the filters in the top right hand corner of the screen.

As you can see I’ve selected Akali as my filter, now I can see all of my games as Akali since patch 4.8. You can also filter which game mode it is and which map you want to see in the top right hand corner, I’m going to move on to what happens when you click on a specific match.

Now we’re able to see a bunch of information that would usually only be available on the after game screen, you can can use this information as you see fit. I don’t see myself needing to use this information very often, up next is team gold!

I really like this one, you can see how blue starts with a small lead but that levels out after a small while, after that purple creeps ahead and just keeps pushing the gold lead forward enough for the game to be out of blues control.

Finally the last picture I’ll be showing you today, this one includes some information we are already able to access on the after game screen but there is also a map that shows the location of all the kills. This is really quite cool to see where everything happened, as you can see here purple was the one making all the plays.


Hope you enjoyed a little look into the match history beta!