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The Great Guild Contest VI – ONE Invitational Rules and Clues!

For those not participating in the contest, but still interested in seeing what its all about, the event will be streamed live at and starts around 630EST!

Welcome Grand Contestants to the sixth official contest, but the first official Scavenger Hunt!

If you are new to the concept, I will explain exactly how it works. The top 6 will advance, and in order to do so, you must collect the three items corresponding with the three Clues below in order. You will “collect” the items by opening trade with the “NPC” at each location. The “NPC” will award you the item, and you can be on your way to the next spot!

You will collect these clues on a character that starts off as Level 1, prepared in any way you deem fit, provided it stays level 1 as the contest begins.
Your character will then be invited and summoned to the starting location, where all contestants will begin the race. After all contestants have been summoned, there will be a grace period of preparation, once again, in any way you deem fit, before the run begins.

Before you view the clues, understand this. You will die, likely many many times. But don’t give up! The prizes at the end of the tunnel are worth it! This year, the prizes from full completion include the Lightbringer’s Tabbard, The Frost Dwarf Transformation Item, Jaina’s Lockets, TCG Items, a Sky Golem, and ONE rings for the top three participants.

Also, take care to familiarize yourself with the rules, as once you start, any violation is grounds for immediate dismissal.

No Guilds,
No Grouping,
No Intentional Leveling,
No outside help killing mobs,
No outside help with travel or flight paths.

If you have read this far, I assume you understand the rules and are ready to see the clues and begin your Scavenger Hunt. The clues will be presented in audio format as well with one visual aid to help you along the way. Please check the video, listen to the short riddle, and use your wits to figure it out. DO NOT tell other contestants about your ideas!!

Clue #1

Video #1.

Click to Enlarge!

The otter skims across the seas
as war ignites and burns the trees
Garrosh has failed with more at stake;
here pets you tame and fame create.

Clue #2

Video #2.

Click to Enlarge!

Hearthed away, this seems to say
Now climb the path we must this day.
Past black money and the prince
We go by stream now to convince
The seldom seen pandaren team;
their hidden home and rare esteem.
Once were through, we see the goal
the final leg of this great stroll.

Clue #3

Video #3.

Click to Enlarge!

Legends rest atop this hill,
where incense burn and hatred fill
The hearts of Orcs and Man a like
But now their time has passed through the night.
Here upon where it began
Here is far, where we have ran.
Now the end can come to pass
I’ve made the trip, at long last!


That’s all the information for the first leg of the contest, being the Scavenger Hunt. The final leg will take place on your main characters, and be discussed privately with each participant who advanced!

Good luck and HAVE FUN! That’s what its all about, after all.