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I Have Mail From Atlantic!

It seems I have kin all over, just got a post delivered from one of the King’s riders. I have mail from Atlantic. My grand daughter, Ria, was all gooey about this haunted maze over there.

*The Letter*

Hey Grandpa!

Just a short one sir, had a blast at a haunted maze here. Word had been posted to meet at the area near the Luna stables. So there were a lot of folks waiting for our contact. I’m not the best artist but here are a few drawings of what happen.

Our contact was an old friend of yours, and after checking to make sure all were presented she opened a gate.

Stepping through~

We arrived at a huge castle, somewhere in the swamps, and we were warned that we could die here to night. ‘gulp’ The maze was simple, “they said”. But it was not long into it that folks were turning back, giving up. But you always said never be a quitter, if you don’t succeeded, try, try, again.

So I kept at it, when I fell thru the roof however I was ready to quit. But your words echoed to me and I went back. And I finished the maze!!

Thank you Grandpa!
Love Ria.

Now I am not sure how long the maze will run, nor do I know any of the people that did this, except for one old friend that told us about it and met us there at Luna this evening. All I can say is this was a blast! A lot of fun, with a few scares and chills.

Thank you!

End of report.