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Happy Birthday Em Topaz

EM Topaz: Hello friends

Tamais : tonight we are celebrating topaz’s birthday
Demoss: hail
Panama: hail
Tamais : *waves*
Epona: oh I see
Salain: waves at topaz
Old Man Lenshire: Hello
Tamais : happy birthday
Raven: hello
Salain: hello
Epona: Happy B day

EM Topaz: Thank you!!

Old Man Lenshire: Happy Birthday
Raven: Happy Birthday
Bug: good evening
Demoss: don’t ask how old lol
Salain: Happy Birthday

EM Topaz: It’s a few days late but I wanted to have our event on Saturday since that works for everyone

Tamais: just look at as a long birthday celebration :)

EM Topaz: First I wanna get you started with a little scavenger hunt that I made up for you guys. You can work together or not. That’s up to you.

Raven: hehe


Tamais : hum crimson dragons waiting for us?
Demoss: `ya
Salain: *looks nervous

EM Topaz: but please keep chat kinda quiet so you don’t spoil it for others. I have not spawned anything BUT there are things naturally at a few locales so it’s not 100% safe

Tamais : laughs

EM Topaz: You will need a book to write your answers in. I have three books here with the clues
you guys ready?

Salain: yes

Demoss: ok

Raven: yup

EM Topaz: Let’s get this party started! First one back gets a plaque in the reward hall.

Demoss: I’ll help someone

EM Topaz: Check the books and…Go! You don’t have to do them in order but you need all 10 to win the plaque. Meet you at the end.

Tamais : I’ll grab some books and be right back

Stinky Pinky IX: awww, just games? no killing?

Tamais : lol no such luck. Topaz always figures a way to kill us

Stinky Pinky IX: lol

Vixen Sonoma: dang I have to buy a deco tool

EM Topaz: you guys don’t have to have a tool you can just say like blue red yellow green whatever.

1. The Queen lives here.

“Hum gargoyle queen.” I suggested. ( the wrong answer.)

Salain had the correct answer. “Could it be the hive queen?”

Hue: 2727

Salain showed me the armor, “What color is that?”

Finding the hue, it was back to the hall.

The next clue should have been easy. But my mind wasn’t working.
When Topaz offered more clues I didn’t feel as bad.

2. A creature that has good eyesight in the dark.

We began to brainstorm. “A lich? ” Salain suggested.

“Cats have good eye sight.” I suggested. We quickly decided that one was not it…too many types of cats.

Topaz gave us a hint, “Well the location is the only place this creature spawns.”

“Would say elf,” MIchey suggested.

Listening, Em Topaz gave us another clue. “Is not an elf, its a critter that spawns in a specific location and she sees in the dark really well.”

That was enough for Michey, “Oh Navery.”

Laughing as I opened a gate to the underworld. Once there I showed him Narvery Nighteyes.

Salain: Omg I hate spiders.

Hue 1280​

Sharing the hue, I teased Topaz, “Topaz that is just mean .”

EM Topaz: what!

Michey: smiles

EM Topaz: What’d I do!

Tamais : lol the answer to number two, so obvious it was hard

EM Topaz: she is “night eyes” haha

Tamais : lol, I know that is why I can’t believe I didn’t get it

Michey: suprised someone did not set it up

We ran into a problem with clue number three. EM Topaz forgot we couldn’t recall there.

3. A good spot to park a boat…temporarily

Tamais : k do we need a ship?

EM Topaz: you don’t need a ship if you have a rune….

Tamais : that answers my question, since the spot I was thinking you can’t recall to.

Lilly: but then you won’t have a party boat….

EM Topaz: haha i should make a party barge

EM Topaz: well i know you can gate there

We started talking about different spots where you couldn’t stay parked for long. They all required a ship. Once again Topaz came to our rescue.

EM Topaz: i might be wrong, Maybe Ican give that one a pass

Tamais : if it is that special dock you can’t unless there is a ship there already.

EM Topaz: I think you have to gate out of there to get a gate to there lol. Okay you all may skip #3 just to save time.

Tamais: so it was the sea dock then?

EM Topaz: aye

Lilly: yea you can’t recall there. Well we can’t recall there. What are we playing?

Tamais : a scavenger hunt

EM Topaz: there is a gate to #3 at the reward hall! Free one!

Tamais : you are sooo sweet

Using the gate , I grab the color id, (1266) but forgot to grab a picture before we returned to the hall for clue number 4.

4. I bet you can’t figure out this one out!

“How in the world are we suppose to figure out 4.” I commented on chat. No one else had either so we went on to the next clue.

5. Mage, warriors, captains, and one Ethernal meerly lurk here.

This one was an easy one.

“Salain, you know number 5. ” I told him. “You passed it while training with Thalia.”

Salain: today?

Tamais : yes

Running into Lakeshire, I found the tunic in the park

Hue 2498

Salain soon joined me and then we were off for the next clue.

EM Topaz: anyone able to finish yet?

EM Topaz: >.<

Tamais : boy I hope not

EM Topaz: lol

Rejoining Michey at the hall. We compared notes. She was missing the dock so we waited while she went to get that one.

6. A good place to res in the underworld.

Hue 1272​

Tamais : am I right that number 6 is on the way to narvey? Since that is the only rez place I know of.

Michey: no, at the rez area, I can take you. Come.

Michey opened a gate to the volcano and lead us to the stairs that take you up to abyss or down to the underworld.

When I tried to go up I realized I hadn’t done the Sacred Quest.

“Oh shoot i can’t go there. I’ve not done the quest yet.” I told Michey.

Salain: “Hmm i cant get there either.” Salain added.

Michey offered to help both of us get the quest. Since I was suppose to be taking pictures I decided to go ahead and do the others, while she helped Salain. I’d go back and get a picture of that one.
Both 7 and 8 were easy to find.

7. Our Once and Future King’s Chair.

Hue 2721​

8. Our Present King’s Chair

Hue 1893​

Rejoining Salain and Michey, I shared the hues and locations. Then we were off to number 9.

9. Is she a witch or just a crazy old woman?

“Have a rune to the Griz ruins? I cannot find a location book, “Michey asked.

Arriving at Grizelda’s location I quickly got the hue .

Hue 1278​

Then it was back to the hall to try to figure out number four.

EM Topaz: its awefully quiet you guys…

Old Man Lenshire: hehe very quiet

Tamais : hey you said not to help

Topaz: lol I did not! I said no spoilers!

EM Topaz: did you figure out #4?

Tamais : nope

EM Topaz: i will be impressed with whoever figures that one out first
Thalia: whats the clue?

Salain: i think i may know but i dont want to say lol
“Well number four is ” I bet you can’t figure this one out.” I told Thalia.

“Thats the whole clue Tamais?” Thalia asked? “If so, I am disappointed in you. that should leap out at you.”

EM Topaz: yup thats the whole clue

Hum, Thalia knew the answer and had found the tunic. She thought I should know also. I read and reread the clue.

NeoFyte: ok whats with the gold plate tunic?

Tamais : hush, that is part of the scavenger hunt

Thalia: don’t say it Neo, Tamais should already know where it is.

NeoFyte: ok not telling where I see it.

Thalia gave me another hint. Remember our scavenger hunt. I bet you remember the location. it is one of ours from that hunt.”

I still couldn’t think of the answer.

Thalia: *hops up and down* you should totally know where Tamais. Want a better clue?

Tamais : yes please

Thalia: your favorite beach, got it?

I started laughing. “Now that one i know Off I went to the casino.

“You better.” Thalia replied. “I am pretty much smacking you over the head with clues.”

Hue 1260​

Thalia: thats a pretty good clue though Topaz, very subtle.

Tamais : you are going to have to tell me how you figure it out

Thalia: read the clue again carefully.

I did, knowing the spot the clue made sense, the key word was bet. Back for number 10.

10. Where Topaz gets her Mail.

Hue 1505​

Em Topaz: bets on who will be the winner? Tamais are you done?

I nodded, “All except number 6 as I haven’t completed the quest.”

WILLARD: heeh, I got ur back

Sir Patrick: dang

EM Topaz: gasp! shame on you

“Have something for you , Happy birthday ” I place her gift next to her. “From all of us.”

EM Topaz: Oh my!! Thank you

Tamais : you are very welcome

EM Topaz: Tamais here’s the final hint of the day. The heart bubbles are the colors of the tunics

Tamais : ah

WILLARD: my heart bubbles

EM Topaz: No one has turned in a full book

Salain and Michey joined us I sharded the answer for 4 with them and they told me the color for number 6. Writing it down I put my book in her mail box.

Tamais : I’d like you to check mine, i can’t be a winner since i didn’t go to the one spot. But i think the others are correct.

Michey: I would never have gotten 4 without help

Salain: I’d like mine checked too and there is you food. He put down platters of roast pig.

Tamais : lol he wasn’t lazy like I was

Salain: I wont lie I had a little help

Tamais : we all did and that is the idea

EM Topaz: Tamais has turned in a full book everyone

EM Topaz: Salain did 5

WILLARD: im gonna go shut my head in the mail box

Tamais : lol

EM Topaz: Looks like our Winner is Michey!!

Michey: 4 I was lost

Lilly: it is ok we have liquor

Tamais : three cheers for Lady Michey

EM Topaz: Hip Hip Hooray!

Michey: cheers? why is that?

Thalia: =)

WILLARD: hooray!

Tamais : because you won even after waiting on slow me

EM Topaz: I am having technical difficulties but lady Michey will have a plaque in the reward hall “Winner of the Birthday Scavenger Hunt”

We stayed a little longer celebrating until EM Topaz had to leave.