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EVE Online Expansion: Crius

Possible meanings of the word

Ram, Seamonster, kind of mussel (or clam), kind of ship, part of an irrigation system, volute on the Corinthian capital, twisted like a ram’s horn.

[Sources: Wiki, Harvard]


Crius is in Greek Mythology one of the twelve Titans (2nd generation). He’s said to be, son of Uranus (Father Sky, rain/water) and Gaia (Mother Earth). God of Heavenly Constellations and measurer of Years.

What are they hoping to achieve?

Crius will adress Industry related topics, such as invention, manufacturing, research etc. on a wide level and the changes will ripple through the universe. Everyone will be affected as these changes also will have impact on how much you pay for ships, modules, ammo etc. and even more so for any Industrialists through the UI and mechanic changes.

Many of the improvements adress the time and complexity to set up production jobs, but also there will be UI changes to help new players into the trade.

The part of EVE that effectively is “spreadsheets-in-space” will be a little bit less so, after July 22nd 2014.







Headlines on Crius

Release date: July 22nd 2014.


Add-ons (non-release specific)


[youtube id=”KhcYwVLY_So” width=”600″ height=”350″]


CCP Nullabor

Removal of Slots, transition to a more accessible system (build whatever you like wherever you like) and more intuitive and immersive UI.

Removal or simplification of ‘Bad complexity’ (extra materials, wastage, ability to research blueprints beyond their optimal levels etc).

Essense of industry: very interesting problem solving (ie. what should I be building, where should I build it etc.)

UI to be completely reworked, bringing the immediate feedback up to the surface – such as “which skills affect this” via mouseovers.

Installation of repeat jobs will be less click intensive via cookie-similar mechanics (ie. the system can remember previous settings).

End result should be a system / UI that is more accessible and discoverable for new players, and more efficient for industry veterans.

Everything Industry related will receive balance pass: reprossing, refining, decompression, Starbase Structures used to manufacture, blueprint material requirements, copy/research times and how invention works.

More rebalancing work in the pipeline (as per usual with new changes).


CCP Tuxford

Worker teams which can affect different settings (time, cost, specific types of items etc.) these are purchased via in-game auctions and can have system-wide effects.

Changes to reprocessing with a new UI and a different reprocessing structure (likely removal as a profession, see industry panel video)
[youtube id=”WTTyMhSKY9E” width=”600″ height=”350″]




Credits to Staticnoise on for the Feature Image.