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Titan release-fest

EVE Online is going through some changes that are ‘out-of-this-world’ so to speak.

As opposed to the bi-yearly releases in the form of a summer and a winter expansion, CCP are progressing with a new release form – smaller incrimental changes that happen more frequently.

Scrapping the well known release model for something that had a larger impact on a long term basis as well as offered a more scalable and adjustable patch schedule, so new fixes could be pushed out more often just makes more sense.

Lets recap some of the major changes that was implemented and is on the loading dock:


Yet remaining of this titanic release-fest is the remainder:

Tethys, Iapetus, Themis, Mnemosyne, Coeus, Theia and the next in line – which is Rhea.

We are nearly halfway through the release schedule. Who/what will come after these?


Fly sillilyy! o7