Malag aste: *looks at Pigeon to see if its carrying a note*
Kittie: *eyes the pigeon with interest, her eyes wide*
Malag aste: No Kittie
Kittie: but.. but!
Malag aste: No.
Kittie: Hrmph.. If they were carrying a note, I would spit it out..
Vixen: has everyone seen the homing pigeon on the table yet??
Sarah Paumera: *smiles at everyone*
Magnus Grey: Any news to report?
Kittie: That bird looks tasty?
Magnus Grey: I heard the raid a few days ago went well.
Fallen Angel: I’m in a good mood today
Magnus Grey: I had planned on having you follow up on information gathered there. But something else has come up… *points to the bird* One of my scouts had been following Forskis into the mountains.
Vixen: I hope we are going after him
Magnus Grey: He was tracking him through the Serpent’s Spine.
Vixen: *nods*
Magnus Grey: His latest message is a day late.
Vixen: ohoh
maints magic: “sighs”
Magnus Grey: And the pigeon came back only with a piece of a broken crossbow.
Vixen: sounds as if we are one scout less
Magnus Grey: The scout in question doesn’t use a crossbow.
Crystal: *frowns*
Magnus Grey: Vixen, that is my worry. The mountains are dangerous.

Malag aste: *furrows brow*
Kittie: *frowns*
Magnus Grey: And I don’t wish to have half of you walk off a cliff. But desperate times.
Kittie: *looks at her claws* Glad I sharpened these..
Magnus Grey: I will gate you close to the scout’s most recent base camp. But after that, you are on your own. You may need to climb a few rock faces. Those of you with experience may need to throw rope down those who are less skilled. If Forskis killed my scout, he is even more dangerous than I believed. So don’t let your guard down. Don’t get caught on a rock face with an armed gargoyle killer. Your cover in Britain and beyond is important.
Malag aste: *quirks a brow*
Magnus Grey: But with Forskis, bring him in or put him down.
Malag aste: I’d rather put him down at this point…
Magnus Grey: If he is part of the Fellowship conspiracy, he is willing to kill it’s members. Better to fight back first.
Fallen Angel: We should take the whole lot down at this point
Magnus Grey: Fallen Angel, that would be my way, but there are already lawyers and public statements involved. Apparently no one in Britain “knew anything about events in Minoc”
Fallen Angel: I hear that the lawyers are part of the Fellowship
Magnus Grey: It being “a distant backwater” or something. Tonight, focus on the murderer. Any final questions?
Magnus Grey: Good hunting!
*Exiting the gate at the scout’s base camp the Royal Spies were met by some very shading characters, After dealing with them clues were found that Forskis was on a hit list to prevent him spilling the beans to the RBG if capture. Looking around we found a goat trail leading around and over the mountain. Following the trail led the Royal Spies to Iolo*
Duncan: “Climb these rocks. Looks like the mounts can handle it.
Iolo: *humming comes from up the mountain* *sings a song about climbing rocks and great falls* Hail friends! I seem to have gotten a bit stuck. Reminds me of a story about Shamino and a bucket. Teach an old bard to go after a killer alone!
Vixen: are you pinned under a rock?
Duncan: “can we pull you out?” ‘You’re the scout?’
Iolo: Scout?
maints magic: we are here to help no worries
Iolo: Is that whose bird that was?
Duncan: “Aye.”
Vixen: did you send a homing pigeon to Brit?
Iolo: Bird wandered up here, so I tied a message to its leg.
Vixen: that bird is why we are here?
Duncan: So, ah. Let’s pull those rocks off you.
Vixen: well we got the message
Iolo: Forskis dropped half a mountain on me, but he didn’t finish the job!
Vixen: where is he?
Duncan: * starts to and pull*
Iolo: *wiggles free* *winces* That’s a nasty break…
maints magic: “tosses heal spell”
Iolo: I’m not going to be able to help you much. But I can tell you about the gargoyle.
maints magic: directions will suffice
Vixen: no worries
Iolo: He’s clever.
Vixen: give us all you got we will avenge you
Iolo: Likes to make false trails and double back. Ambushes and traps. You need to take care going after him.
Kittie: We will, thank you Iolo
Malag aste: Certainly will
Vixen: well he has two worries now on his trail, there a kill on sight order from others that are after him as well.
Iolo: Good luck, friends! Oh wait!
Vixen: yes?
Iolo: The gargoyle can’t fly!
Vixen: good
Iolo: I noticed that from days tracking him.
Malag aste: Did you rip his wings?
Vixen: injured wings maybe
Martyna Z’muir: His wings are scarred.
Iolo: He leaves a trail like any humanoid on land.
Vixen: from the fire he set?
Iolo: I don’t know the reason, but use that to your advantage.
Vixen: indeed thank you sir
Iolo: He has been killing to eat as he Messy hunters are easy to track.
Vixen: *nods*
Kittie: *nods*
Iolo: You all get justice for Feridwyn.
Vixen: ok point us in the right direction sir
Duncan: I think I see what he means
Iolo: I think west and then north for now.
Duncan: This way….There’s blood.
Iolo: Follow the blood.
Duncan: Follow the blood trail to a blocked tunnel
*Of course nothing would be so simple to follow the trail without something wishing to stop us* After dealing with that we found the tunnel that was sealed, and had to improvise using the horns of a goat to clean the area*
Iolo: Follow Forskis’s trail of blood!
Vixen: following the blood
Iolo: Careful for the wild animals!
Angry Mountain Goat: * Angry Mountain Goat is wracked with extreme pain. *
Iolo: These goats are feral beasts!
Duncan: “All the goats dead now?” “Seems not.”
Iolo: *limps over*
Vixen: strange bird over here
Duncan: “Umm….Should you be here?”
Iolo: I was feeling better. Show this old bard the trail.
Duncan: “Know a way into this tunnel>”
Iolo: Digging? If you don’t want to dig, please stand back.
Spoonman: dogs like to dig looks like a few dogs here
Iolo: Are you going to have the lame old bard do it?
Duncan: We could cut off the goats’ heads and use the horns. Aye, like he said, dogs like to dig. Who here can go into dog form.
Iolo: That’s a story…goat horn shovels! *starts to dig*
Duncan: * digs with a goat horn shovel*
Spoonman: good job Duncan
Fallen Angel: Where to dig?
*Clearing the tunnel was done so swift that we surprised Forskis*
Forskis: *snarls* Brought friends too.
Vixen: Forskis there a kill order out on you come with us willing or dead
Forskis: *growls*
Kittie: *growls back* *points* You’re using innocent felines for your own agenda!!!!
Fearful Mountain Lion: * Fearful Mountain Lion is wracked with extreme pain. *
Kittie: I won’t forgive you for that!!!!!!
Forskis: *shrugs* Kill you too.
Spoonman: your a wanted man, Forskis, and not just by us
Forskis: I am a gargoyle, not a man. *well dud we know that*
Kittie: For what you did to these poor felines, I’m going to personally enjoy clawing your eyes out!!!
*Things were going from Bad to Worse for Forskis and it was not long that he was looking for his escape tunnel*
Forskis: Let them come. Kill them too. *snarls* Lot of you. Too few knives.
Duncan: “Basically your one chance to live is to come with us, and quietly.” “And quickly.”
Malag aste: Now like I said you can come quietly or die
Forskis: Forskis not weak. Not live in human iron cage.
Duncan: Oh, nono no….You’re not weak….We’re just betting you’re smart.
Therrick’Kar: Assassins are always weak, cowardly and vile.
Forskis: Insult my wings!
Duncan: “Don’t prove us wrong.”
Forskis: Kill you one at a time. *runs down one of two tunnels*
*Splitting forces was the only option left, half down one tunnel the other half the other tunnel*
The battle was swift and quick, Forskis was dead* Reporting back to HQ we were debriefed*

*here we discussed the Minoc Fellowship house being closed, the land being returned to Minoc, which of course would make a certain Governor very happy. Our continuous missions of spying on the Fellowship, and not leaving snacks (Homing Pigeons) unguarded when Kittie was around, and the sighting of a Strange Bird, it being sometimes an ill omen*

*The strange Bird*
Thus ends this report!
(tonights drop)
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