So I finally got around to updating these spreadsheets with all the changes in the F2P launch.  The other big addition is love for the Champions such that this spreadsheet covers Wardens, Captains, and Minstrels as well.  Sadly I can’t take screen shots of the other radiance sets for Champions as I’m still not quite high enough, but check out Darzil’s site for some snaps and I do have the new Helegrod set:


The sets included are:

  • Moria 6-piece Radiance set
  • DN 6-piece Radiance set
  • BG 6-piece Radiance set
  • 2 3-piece Radiance Sets
  • Annuminas 6-piece Radiance set
  • Helegrod 6-piece Radiance set
  • Lorien Crafted Set
  • The 2 good Mirkwood Crafted Sets

For all these sets, I have comparisons of the entire sets (including set bonuses) and individual piece comparisons.  I also have a “Item Rater” sheet that allows you to plug in your own values for the stats and see which pieces are the best for you.  The excel one is color coded, while sadly the Google one just has the equations.

Excel Version

Google Docs Version

Big thanks to Hakon for his spreadsheet on the Champions as I wouldn’t have been able to grab that data without him.  I’ve also created a separate page to keep all this information straight.