First off I wanted to share my first 2 decent level 65 3rd age legendary items – sadly the axe looks absolutely horrible.  I’m really going to struggle equipping it!  However, you’ll notice that my spear does gain a Pool A legacy on the level 20 reforge – so it does happen!

NewAxe NewSpear

Both are actually shaping up pretty well, I’m still using my 60 First age spear and 60 2nd Age Javelin but I’ll probably switch my main hand weapon pretty soon as the DPS and additional runes make a big difference.

I also took a couple more videos from my adventures in Mirkwood.  I’m just going to post the links as there are potential spoilers in them and I don’t want to ruin the stories for those who haven’t done them yet.

Starlight and Shadows instance

Gollum in Mirkwood

The first one is from one of the 3-man quests and really is just a quick fight – but some decent things going on there that might be of interest for folks.  Pretty good example of working together and hunters pulling out various tricks.  Plus you do actually get to see me tanking 😉  And the Gollum video I just really enjoyed the quest line (just like the one in Tal Bruinen), so I figured I’d share.