Looking for Reporters and Editors

LOTRO Stratics is looking for News Reporters and Editors to contribute to the growth and development of lotro.stratics.com. Please be aware all positions are volunteer only.

News Reporters:

News Reporters are needed for all servers, if you have a desire to boost and grow the community of your server this might be the best fit for you.

News Reporters will have the following responsibilities:

  • Conduct interviews with notable people on their server. (Kinship leaders for example or other people well known on the server)
  • Report on any community hosted and sponsored events.

News reporters will also be required to meet the following requirements.

  • Good mastery of the English Language
  • Excellent writing skills
  • The ability to perform interviews and draft news reports in a non-biased manner
  • Ability to preform interviews in a polite friendly manner.


Editors will be responsible for compiling and adding content to the appropriate sections of  lotro.stratics.com.

Editors Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing content posted by news reporters and ensuring it is in the appropriate categories.

Editor Requirements:

  • Excellent Organisational Skills
  • Ability to work well with others.
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Good mastery of the English Language
  • Ability to draft articles in a non-biased manner.

Editors will be working closely with other members of the Editorial Team, and will be providing support for News Reporters as necessary.

If you are interested in joining the TGN-Stratics LOTRO team please apply below.

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