Hello Summoners!
Welcome back to Week 4 of the NA Summer Split Recap. Since Week 1, some teams have shown what they are made of by making come backs, and some not so much.

7-3 CLG
One of the teams that are keeping their first place ranking is LMQ at 7-3 ,taking their first loss to Cloud 9 in week 2. Coming in at 2nd place moving from first is CLG with 7-3, and the biggest victory was in week 3 with team Dignitas. Then not far behind is the one and only Team Diginitas with 7-3 just being knocked down one place from week 1. Coming in 4th is Cloud 9 moving from their not so good 2-2 standing on week one to 6-4 finally! For TSM they are not doing to good going from their 3rd place ranking down to 5th tied with Cloud 9 at 6-4. Now for the last 3 they sadly are the one’s that have not yet made their big break and have not won many games at all: 6th is Curse 3-7, Evil Geniuses moving from last ,to 2nd last at 2-8, and CompLexity at a 2-8 standing. For the last 3 I hope they get out of the slump they are in ,and not just be thought as an easy win.
Like I said previously I wanted to know with TSM losing Xpecial and Oddone stepping down would that make a major dent in their progression? From what I have seen from their play’s I think it’s a yes. But I am not surprised when you just lost 2 players that have been with you for a long time, and lived in the same house. It would be hard because the 2 new players will have to adjust to how TSM is playing, and on such short notice. Granted the new TSM replacements have been with them for a couple of months, it also depends on how well they get a long, no one wants someone toxic in their group. Tell me in the comments who you think will finish in the top 4.
Top Performance
For top KDA ratios
Week 4:
1.Danny Shiphtur Le (Team Dignitas) 18.2
2.Soren Bjergsen Bjerg (TSM) 6.7
3.Michael Imaqtpie Santana (Team Dignitas) 6.6
4.Johnny Altec Ru (Evil Geniuses)6.4
5. Xian XiaoWeiXiao Yu (LMQ)6.2
Compared to week 1:
1. Danny Shiphtur Le ( Team Dignitas) 21.5
2. Wei-Jun Vasilii Li (LMQ) 17.7
3.Maurice Amazing Stuckenschneider (Team SoloMid) 10.2
4.Soren Bjergsen Bjerg (Team SoloMid) 9.8
5.Xian XiaoWeiXiao Yu (LMQ) 8.8
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