So the next expansion (summer 2013) has been announced and with that, the main focus of the expansion as well!

Odyssey Expansion

Odyssey Expansion

  • More Exploration content are being added (ie. “There is now more among the stars, enticing even the most experienced veterans to explore.”)
  • K-space rebalance (ie. “exploration sites, industrial resources, some types of NPC loot and more…”)
  • At least 12 changes, possibly over 24 (ie. “dozens of changes to player-owned starbases, game UI and beyond.”
  • At least 4 new Faction ships (ie. “the four factions will issue forth with the latest tools of war and re-designs of old favorites – ships as awe-inspiring as they are deadly.”)
  • More RP and backdrop story development with the inclusion of new players coming from DUST514 and events linked to that.

Feel free to take a look at the Odyssey presentation that happened during Fan Fest!

[youtube id=”SXojDrEOzMw” width=”600″ height=”350″]